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The Transport pane appears in different variants, depending on current screen.

MultiTrack Screen Transport Pane

EasyTrack Screen Transport Pane

Reporter Box Screen Transport Pane

Record Mode Screen Transport Pane

SingleTrack Screen Transport Pane

Transport Buttons



Activates record wait state, which then is indicated by red blinking. Press Play then to start recording.

Red background indicates recording is running.

Only MTS, RBS: When pressed while playback, concurrent recording is started.


Starts playback at the current soundhead position.

Green background indicates playback is running.

StopStops running playback or recording. Soundhead remains at current position.

Fast rewind
(only ETS, RMS)
Starts fast backward playback.

Fast forward
(only ETS, RMS)
Starts fast forward playback.

Skip -1Decreases scrub speed by one step.

Skip +1Increases scrub speed by one step.

ScrubOpens the scrub bar.

Play toSteps back some seconds from current soundhead position, starts playback and stops at original soundhead position.

Play fromStarts playback for some seconds, then sets soundhead back to original position.

Play insidePlayback selection: Starts playback at mark in position until mark out, then sets soundhead back to original position.

Play outsidePlayback before and after selection: Starts playback some seconds before mark in, jumps from mark in to mark out position, then sets soundhead back to original position.

LoopStarts looping the function of the button above.

Add markerAdd a marker at current soundhead position.

Delete markerRemove marker near current soundhead position.

In markerSet mark in to current soundhead position.

Out markerSet mark out to current soundhead position.

Edit mode
(only ETS)

Switches to edit mode.

Volume mode
(only ETS)
Switches to volume mode.

Edit type
(only ETS)
Selection of a specific edit type
(Other screens allow this selection in the Edit tools pane.)

Paste clip
(only RBS)
Inserts the next clip at the current soundhead position.

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