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Selection field. The relevant program (wavelength) can be entered here.


Input/selection field. Here the show for which the entry is destined is entered here.

Broadcast date

Input field. The transmission date is entered here.


Selection field. The presenter of the respective transmission is entered here.


Selection field. The speaker for the respective transmission is entered here.


Selection field. The transmission language is selected here.


Selection field. A higher-level project can be selected here.


Input/selection field. The theme for the planned transmission can be selected or entered here.

Broadcasting rights

Information about the broadcasting rights of the radio station


Ready to send
Once an entry is completely edited then the user can assign the transmission ready flag. Only entries with this flag can be used for transmission scheduling. They cannot be deleted and in the table entry there is a symbol indicating their status in the same row as the entry. This status is also displayed in the Miscellaneous tab.
The second level of transmission readiness. This flag can only be set by authorized persons and indicates that the transmission ready entry has been accepted for transmission. This status is also displayed in the Miscellaneous tab.
When using the item for playout, fees need to be paid. This flag is only for selection and export purposes, there is no further utilization of this flag within DigaSystem.

First possible broadcast

This field indicates the earliest date on which date the transmission can go out.

Last possible broadcast

This field indicates the latest date on which date the transmission can go out.

Number of broadcasts

The number of allowable transmissions is entered here.


The OnAir history of an item is logged incl. the following data:
Date, time, and duration of transmission, channel, show, studio, user, flags, comment.

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