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Commercial Tab


Input field. Advertising theme.

Generic title

Input field. Generic title


Title of the entry


Selection field. In this field a customer can be selected for the entry is advertising.

Product group

Dropdown field for product groups


Dropdown field for the product


Selection field. An advertising entry can be associated with a specific project here. This can run over many transmissions.

Class: Commercial

This checkbox allows the advertising class to be selected. If the class is selected on this tab then the entry is also made on the tab Miscellaneous.

Foreign Motive

Input field. Ad agency's theme.

Target group

Selection field. Target group for the advertisement.


Selection field. In this field the times when the music should be played can be specified. This entry is also shown on the Music 2 tab.



This field allows advertising entries to be associated with a season such as winter, summer, Christmas, new year, carnival, etc. This entry is also shown on the Cart tab.

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