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Working with Tables

Individual Entries are located inside Tables, following a database structure. For information on searching, sorting and filtering entries, please see the Finding Entries section.

Tables are created by administrators. They define which users have the rights to access, write and delete tables.

All available tables are listed in the TABLES list. The table whose entries are currently displayed in the ENTRIES area is highlighted.

The TABLES list shows the columns:

Sselected for Multi-Table-Search
TablePhysical (real) table name


Table name


Corresponding database name


User right: Read table content


User right: Open entry content


User right: Create entries


User right: Edit entries


User right: Align tables*


User right: Soft delete entries


User right: Erase entries

"Align tables" means read out mobile tables (e.g. stored on removable devices such as USB sticks). When reconnected the rights allow the user to actualise the content display.

Re-arrange Table Columns

You can simply change the layout of the TABLES area to fit your needs for a better overview:

  • Re-arrange TABLES columns by dragging a column title to its desired position, or
  • Change the width of a column by dragging the separator between two column titles.

Selecting Tables

  • Click on a table to view its entries and use the arrow keys to navigate between tables.

When launching DBM a "startup table" is usually displayed/selected (which has been set by your administrator):

  • You may define the startup table in the menu Program→Settings in the View tab (also c.f. Settings Dialog Tab: View).

If the table name has a blue font, then you are not connected to this table's database:

  • Click on it to establish a connection; the table font will then turn green (along with all other tables of this database).
  • To disconnect a table (usually not necessary) make a right click on the table and choose "Disconnect".

Only a single table can be opened at a time.

Selecting a Table Group

Table Groups are used to filter tables. If one or more Table Groups have been configured by the Administrator, a drop-down menu appears showing the available Table Groups. In addition, a generic "All" group allows you to access all tables which are available to you.

  • To display only tables from a certain table group: Select the table group from the drop down menu (e.g. "Local" in the screenshot below). 

Filtering for Tables

With the filter field, you can display only those tables, whose name contains the filter term ("Local" in the screenshot below). The filter is applied immediately while you type, and works case-insensitive. To clear the filter, just clear the filter field.

  • Clicking on the Multi-Table search button 
     lets you search tables as a group (Despite only one table can be selected at a time).
  • The S(election) column appears showing a search flag/button 
     for tables selected for multi-table search. The search flag/button is a toggle.

Details see Finding Entries

Context Menu

  • On a right click in the table listings area, the context menu appears:
InfoOpens the Table Info Dialog

Disconnects from the current table in the database.

Edit DefinitionsOpens a dialog where the values of entry mask fields can be edited, deleted or created (equivalent to menu option Database - Edit Definitions c.f. The Menu Bar)


Activates the table for the Multi-Table-Search (after having clicked on the Multi-Table search button 


As a result, the search flag/button 

 is shown in the S(election) column and the "v" flag is shown at the context menu's Selection option.

This command is equivalent to clicking the space for the flag/button 

in the "S" column, c.f. Multi-Table-Search above.

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