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Music 2 Tab

Class: Music

Sets the Music class for this entry


Selection field. The type of music is selected here.


Selection field. The music's era is selected here.


Selection field. The language is selected here.


Selection field. The music category is selected here.


Selection field. The music format is selected here.


Selection field. The Gender is selected here.

Gain (dB) 
(requires the right "OTM_UseGain")

Enter a positive value to raise the playback volume and a negative value to lower it. This will affect the playout in DBM and BCS as well. 
This value is only usable, if the entry's Loudness values are not considered (see the Audio Tab field "Disable Loudness Gain Adjustment").

Amplification In/Out (dB)

Entry field. The value the OnAir Signal is amplified here is entered. The amplification has no effect when Prelistening or Editing, it is only working with the "MultiPlayer" OnAir audio engine.


Selection field. The musical style is selected here.


Selection field. The music's tempo is selected here.

Fading at begin

Selection fields. The fading of the music at the end is selected here.


Selection field. The music's atmosphere is selected here.


Selection field. The intensity of the music is selected here. This entry is also shown on the Cart tab.

Fading at end

Selection field. The end of the piece of music is selected here.


Input field. Time field for mark-in.


Input field. Time field for mark-out.


Input field. Time field for fade-in.


Input field. Time field for fade-out.


Input field. Time field for link-in


Input field. Time field for link-out

Intro (2)

Input fields. Time field for intro.

Outro (2)

Input fields. Time field for outro.

Open in OTM

Opens the OnAIR TrackMixer (OTM) in order to edit the OnAir markers mentioned above.

Target group

Selection field. The target group for whom the piece of music most likely will appeal is selected here.

Play time

Selection field. When the music should be played is selected here. This entry is also shown on the Commercial tab.


Selection field. The seasonal association for this music is selected here. This entry is also shown on the Cart and Commercial tabs.

Exclusion days

The days selected here are those on which the music should not be played. This entry is also shown on the Cart tab.

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