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Video Tab

The Video tab displays the most important information about the video clip it stores. MCLPlayerControl has to be installed to view the video material with this player.

For playing videos c.f. Using the Audio and Video Preview Player.


The title of the database entry.


Input/selection field. The author's name is automatically filled out (login name). The author of an item can be changed either from out of the list or a new author can be written into the field.


Input/selection field. The editor's name is automatically filled out (login name). The editor of an item can be changed either from out of the list or a new author can be written into the field.


Input field: defines the name of the original medium.

Generic title

Input field for a generic title


Input field: Time field TC-In, defined by DigaPlayer AV or entered manually.


Custom field, usable for different reasons


Input field: Time field Mark-In, defined by DigaPlayer AV or entered manually.


Input field: Time field Mark-Out, defined by DigaPlayer AV or entered manually.


Custom field, usable for different reasons


Set one or more flags for this entry (see 5.4 Entry Flags)

Delete date

The deletion date specifies when this entry should be deleted. Click on the dropdown button to select a corresponding date.


System field. The exact date and time of the entry's creation as well as its length is displayed here.

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