To enable the new logon mechanism you have to change your web.config in the following way:
(1) disable forms auth by commenting it out:
<authentication mode= "Forms" >
<forms name= "MyFormsAuthCookie" timeout= "1440" slidingExpiration= "true" loginUrl= "Logon.aspx" ticketCompatibilityMode= "Framework40" />
(2) enable OIDC support by specifying an IdentityServer:
(3) enable WCF service support for OIDC by adding oidcEndpoint behavior extension and reference it in <behavior name="cors">:
<behavior name= "cors" >
<add name= "oidcEndpoint" type= "David.Dpe.Wcf.OidcEndpointBehaviorElement, David.Dpe.Wcf" />