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Users & Groups

This service helps to create/add new User and Groups and assign different rights to them.

Using this functionality requires a license 'UserAndGroups' and the ActionRight DpeAdmin.OpenRightsManagement.

Navigate to  "User & Groups" in Admin. It appears like this



Application Menu

The Application Menu can be used to navigate between the Content Manager, Subclip Editor, RoughCut Edit, Admin and System Monitor, given that the user has sufficient rights. 

User Menu

From the User Menu, the current user can sign out, change their password, go to Help section for information on feature and configuration know-how.

Admin Menu

Change between different Admin sections. The current selection is Logs

Main Area

Displays a list of all Users/Groups fitting the facet and text search.

Facet Search

The Facet Search can be used to filter Users/Groups according to their Type, Enabled, Deleted and Synchronized meta-data. The number of Users/Groups fitting the current or potential search can also be seen here.

Users and Groups can be differentiated using icons and a tooltip is also displayed in the Type column. You can also sort user by Membership Count to see if they belong to a group.



How to create a new user

Create a New User

How to create a new Group

Create a New Group

How to Edit the User/Group

Edit the User / Group

Assigning memberships/Rights to User/Group

Define User / Group Rights

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