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Configuring General SAF Module Settings

These are the general settings available for any SAF module. 

Triggering Module Execution

In "Method to trigger module execution" you can set the method to trigger the sync.

There are 5 different methods for triggering module execution:

a) None

As said the module isn't triggered automatically.

b) Fixed time

The module is triggered at a fixed time once a day.

c) Intra-day cycle

The module is triggered periodically every minute over the whole day.

d) List of Intra-day Cycles

You can set different intra-day cycles.

e) UDP

Set a listening port for a signal (UDP) to start module execution.

Managing Logs

In "Forward module messages to the following services" you can manage where to send the information about the module, you can select as many as you want:

a) Log (DPE)

The information of the module execution will be sent to central DPE Logs and can be searched in DPE Admin. You can select the type of messages that will be sent (Information, Warnings, Errors, Debug, Reports)

b) Log (Simple file)

The information of the module execution will be stored as a local log file.

c) E-mail

Send the information to to an e-mail address. You can configure the following parameters: Smtp Server, Account, Password, Domain, Sender (mail from), Recipients (mail to), Maximum number of messages per hour and the type of message that will be sent.

You can send a test e-mail.

d) Scripting engine (VBScript)

Run a script. You can configure the following parameters: Path of the script to execute, maximum runtime for script, the type of message that will be sent (Information, Warnings, Errors and Reports)


The fields in red are required to "Accept" the settings

NotReadyToAccept.png / Accept.png

You can reset the entered changes by clicking on "Reset"

Extended Settings

In "Extended settings" you can configure settings about the module.



Users allowed to execute the module

Optionally specify a list of DigaSystem user names separated by ";" (semi-colon) which are allowed to start, stop, abort or reload the module. The ADMIN user does not need to be included in this list since he has all rights anyway. Only ADMIN is allowed to change this field.

Users allowed to configure the module

Optionally specify a list of DigaSystem user names separated by ";" (semi-colon) which are allowed to configure the module. The ADMIN user does not need to be included in this list since he has all rights anyway. Only ADMIN is allowed to change this field.

Execution priority

Execution priority for the modules thread. Do not change from Normal unless you have a good reason.

Maximum wait time for a module 'alive' signal

During lengthy operations modules should send the server an alive signal. In case this signal is missing for longer than the given time span the server assumes the module is in a failure state, terminates module operation and reloads the module. A meaningful value for this time span is module dependent. If 00:00:00 is specified no signal is expected from the module.

Maximum runtime of a single module execution

In case the specified maximum runtime of a single execution is exceeded the server assumes the module is in a failure state, terminates module operation and reloads the module. A meaningful value for this time span is module dependent. If 00:00:00 is specified maximum runtime is ignored.

Maximum wait time to stop a module

When the server is shutting down it asks each module to finish its operation. In case a module is not reacting in the given time span, the server terminates the module regardless of its current state.

Wait time before reloading a module

In case the server detects module failure it tries to reload the module again and again. To prevent this from happening too often you can specify a waiting time between reload operations.

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