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Creating a New Workflow Template

Create a new workflow template by opening the Workflow\New menu:

The workflow skeletons offered provide different argument lists.



VB.Net Generic Workflow

Contains arguments for ServiceRootAddress, User, Password, Priority, CurrentWorkflowId.

Recommended for workflows tiggered from WorkflowScheduler or 3rd party.

VB.Net TableWatcher Workflow

Contains arguments for ServiceRootAddress, User, Password, Priority, CurrentWorkflowId and Arg_Event, Arg_TableId, Arg_EntryId.

Recommended for workflows tiggered from WorkflowTableWatcher or ContentManager.

VB.Net FolderWatcher Workflow

Contains arguments for ServiceRootAddress, User, Password, Priority, CurrentWorkflowId and Arg_Event, Arg_File.

Recommended for workflows tiggered from WorkflowFolderWatcher.

C# Workflows

Same as above but uses C# syntax for expressions

Creating a TableWatcher skeleton is also possible via shortcut Ctrl+N.

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