Working With Workflow Arguments
Standard Arguments
A workflow must provide a minimum argument list that matches the expectation of the workflow trigger that creates the workflow.
Example: a workflow for a WorkflowTableWatcher must provide an argument Arg_TableId and Arg_EntryId whereas a workflow for a WorkflowFolder Watcher must provide an argument Arg_File.
Therefore we provide workflow templates with different argument lists.
Generic workflow (can be used in WorkflowScheduler)
TableWatcher workflow (TW)
FolderWatcher workflow (FW)
ContentManager workflow (CM)
SubclipEditor workflow (SCE)
Argument Name | Required | Description |
ServiceRootAddress | Always | |
CurrentWorkflowId | Always | |
User | Always | DigaSystem credentials under which the workflow is executing. |
Password | Always | DigaSystem credentials under which the workflow is executing. |
AccessToken | Optional | Manydatory for running with OIDC authentication in DPE 2.x |
Arg_Event | TW, FW | String describing the event that lead to creating the workflow instance: "Created", "Changed", "Renamed", "Deleted". Mandatory for Workflow Table Watcher and Folder Watcher |
Arg_TableId | TW, CM, SCE | DigaSystem table id, e.g. "MyDatabase\MyTable". Mandatory for Workflow Table Watcher. |
Arg_EntryId | TW, CM, SCE | DigaSystem entry number, e.g. 12345. Mandatory for Workflow Table Watcher. |
Arg_TableIds | CM | Optional string argument to pass many comma-separated table ids to one workflow. Normally one workflow is triggered per entry. Requires a ContenManager plugin config containing
Arg_EntryIds | CM | Optional string argument to pass many comma-separated entry ids to one workflow. Normally one workflow is triggered per entry. Requires a ContentManager plugin config containing
Arg_File | FW | File path. Mandatory for Workflow Folder Watcher. |
Arg_Subclips | SCE | Comma-separated string of subclip ids |
Arg_MarkIn | SCE | As an alternative to a list of subclips a mark in and mark out can be passed from Subclip Editor to a workflow. |
Arg_MarkOut | SCE | As an alternative to a list of subclips a mark in and mark out can be passed from Subclip Editor to a workflow. |
Creator | Optional | The DigaSystem credentials used to create the workflow instance, e.g. USER1. |
CreatingComponent | Optional | The component that created the workflow instance, e.g. MYMACHINE\ContentManager. |
DpeTempFolder | Optional | Returns path to DPE temp folder (as configured in web.config of DPE Server) |
These arguments are filled automatically. All arguments besides Arg_Event, Arg_TableId, Arg_EntryId and Arg_File can be overwritten by the trigger component.