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DpeCoreDb Change History

VersionChange Description

Changed Workflows.Title from nvarchar(100) to nvarchar(1000)

Changed Worfklows.ObjectId from nvarchar(40) to nvarchar(1000)

Changed Jobs.Title from nvarchar(100) to nvarchar(1000)

Enlarged fields are used from DPE and newer. Older DPE versions support only previous field length.


Changed Workflows.Worker from nvarchar(50) to nvarchar(200)

Changed Jobs.Worker from nvarchar(50) to nvarchar(200)

Enlarged fields are used from DPE and newer. Older DPE versions support only previous field length.


Added to table Workflows: Version, HasValidSignature, MinDependentVersion

Added to table WorkflowTemplates: Version, HasValidSignature, MinDependentVersion

Updated stored procedures DoCleanupLogItems, DoCleanupWorkflows, DoCleanupJobs with block delays

Requires DPE or newer


Dropped contraint FK_Workflows_Workflows in table Workflows

Dropped contraint FK_Workflows_Jobs in table Jobs


Changed Workflows.CreatingComponent (and index) from nvarchar(50) to nvarchar(200)

1.9Added to table Worfklows: CreatingComponent, ObjectId, ObjectIdH (and indices)

Dropped tables WorkflowExecutions and JobExecutions

Changed tables Workflows and Jobs (to include execution info again)

1.7Updated stored procedures DoCleanupLogItems, DoCleanupWorkflows, DoCleanupJobs
1.6Changed contraint FK_WorkflowExecutions_Workflows with ON DELETE CASCADE

Added indices on Jobs.Created, Jobs.WorkerType for better performance when running jobs

Added indices on JobExecutions.JobId, JobExecution.State for better performance when creating jobs

Added indices on WorkflowExecutions.WorkflowId, WorkflowExecutions.State for better performance when creating workflows 


Deleting tables WorkflowStates and JobStates because the states are hard-coded

Adding indices on Workflows.Created, Workflows.WorkflowType for better performance

1.3Splitting of table Workflows into Workflows and WorkflowExecutions

Changes in table Workflows:

Renamed column Finished to Stopped

Renamed column StatusLastChanged to Updated

Renamed column Summary to StatusMessage

Renamed column OutputResults to Results

Dropped column QdJobIds

Dropped column Retries

Added column UserInfo

Changed column Progress to real NOT NULL


Changed column WorkflowTemplates.Name to nvarchar(50) NOT NULL

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