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Printing an Entry

  1. Select just one or more Entries.
  2. Click on the "Print" menu entry in the ContentManager topbar - appearance depends on configuration made by your DigAs Admin.

  3. You will be directed to a page when all your selected entries are presented as a list with the default item presentation.

  4. It is also possible to insert a Page Break for ensuring that every single entry is printed on a single page. In this case you will see between entries a page break.

  5. If you press Ctrl + p or  the print Button in the menu you can print the entries as e.g. pdf or to physical printer.
  6. Depending on the Web Browser you are using you get first a print preview.

If your templates use background colors or background images and you use

  • Firefox: be aware that you enabled "Print Background (colors & images)" option in "Page Setup" dialog.

  • Chrome: be aware of enabling "Background Graphics"

    available below  "More Settings" print options.

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