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UI Theme Configuration in DPE

There are a lot of components in DPE which are shared between applications e.g. ContentManager, SubclipEditor, RoughcutEdit, Admin, SystemMonitor.  Configuring these component inside |Common|DPEUISchemes|<NameOfScheme>| will make them look consistent everywhere. Of course, these component stylings can be adapted at application level.

Cross-application UI Theme configuration

Valid for all DPE Web Applications

Main Navigation

Dialog Boxes

Growl Messages


Grid Thumbnail

Scroll Bars

File Drop Area

Input Components

Standard Buttons

Application specific UI theme configurations

Content Manager

See UI Theme Configuration in CM

Subclip Editor

See UI Theme Configuration in SCE

RoughCut Edit 

See UI Theme Configuration in RCE

System Monitor

See UI Theme Configuration in System Monitor


See UI Theme Configuration in Admin

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