Understanding Classes
Each entry can be assigned to one or more classes. A class defines the entry type and can be displayed as own column with class symbols in the Entry Area and as text in the details pane
The displayed icons in this column have the following meanings:
Icon | Class | Description |
Audio | Standard audio entry (default classification for imported audio files) | |
Cart | Jingles in the DAVID Broadcast System (BCS) | |
Commercial | Radio commercials | |
Control | Control element - outdated | |
DigaCut MT Project | Saved DigaCut MT project (audio editor) - outdated | |
DigaCut ST Project | Saved DigaCut ST project (video editor - outdated | |
Graphic | Entry with graphical content | |
Magazine | Show specific internal media (characteristic sounds or gags in a show) | |
Music | Music audio entry | |
News | News audio entry | |
Project | Saved audio editor project (EasyTrack, MultiTrack and SingleTrack) | |
Promotion | Program internal announcements | |
Sequoia Project | Saved Sequoia Project | |
Story | Collection of media files about a specific topic - in development | |
Text | Text entry without audio content | |
Unknown/New | Entry with not identifiable content | |
Video | Entry with video content | |
Video batch / batchlist | mbx files which contain markers to an audio file - outdated | |
Video Project | Video project of RoughCut Edit | |
ZIP Archive | Entry containing ZIP-Files | |
Classes below are mainly used within DAVID Broadcast System (BCS) | ||
Command | Attention / Info Element for the moderator, which is not broadcasted | |
Info | Info / Hint for moderator | |
Live | Placeholder element for time when moderator is speaking | |
Line | Moderator calls someone during the show |