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For System Administrators: The following entries in the DPE Rights Management (“DPEAdmin\Users & groups” section) are valid for the users’ interaction with Subclip Editor (SCE):

Action Rights

A user needs the following Action Rights to work with the Subclip Editor:


Access Subclip Editor (SCE appears in the Application Menu)


Allows a user to see all subclips from all users, otherwise, he sees only his own created subclips


The user may modify not only his own but also all subclips created by other users


With this Action Right a user may modify only subclips created by him

DpeSubclipEditor.MetadataRawTo display and edit the metadata for subclips in SCE

Table Rights

The user must have the “READ” right to access any content of the according table. The “Change” right is needed to be able to edit the table content (without this right, there will be no "Save" option in SCE).

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