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SAF Server Command Line Options

/DPE=true(Default) Use a DPE backend (instead of DigaSQL)
/ServiceRootAddressService root address of DPE backend
/ServerNameName of the SAF Server

Verbose logging

Also writes a log file to %localappdata%/David/SAF/...SafServerName.../Logyyyymmdd.txt

/LanguageSets the UI language, e.g. de-DE
/ServerProtocolPathSets a protocol path for the SAF Server (only supported in non-DPE mode)
/RelaunchRestarts SAF Server, also requires to specify the current process ID with command line option /PID
/UpdateServiceRootAddressSaves the service root address specified in command-line to app settings
/StartAsAppNeeded to run SAF Server as desktop app
/StartAsServiceNeeded to run SAF Server as UI-less windows service
/StartAsInstallerUsed from setup
/CreateShortcutUsed from setup: creates a shortcut to SAF Server
/ModulesUsed from setup: specifies module instances
/ModuleTypesUsed from setup: specifies module types
/SaveUsed from setup: saves configuration (from Installer UI)
/StartUsed from setup: starts SAF Server after 2 seconds
/QuitUsed from setup: quits SAF Server after 5 seconds
/PasswordEncrypted password
/AuthMethodDPE 2.0: Specify authentication method: Dpe10, IdServer, Adfs
/OPH:hostnameOverride published hostname in URLs. Can be used when running in a docker container.
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