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Workflow Activities

DAVID Activities

Common Activity Properties

All activities have a basic property DisplayName which is the name of the activity instance. This property can be changed to improve the readability of your workflow.

Common DAVID Activity Properties

All DAVID activities have a basic set of properties.

UserDigaSystem user account name
PasswordEncoded DigaSystem password for User
AccessTokenDPW 2.x: OIDC authentication token
ServiceRootAddressService root address of DPE

Common DAVID Job Actitivity Properties

All DAVID job activities (= activities which delegate execution to a job processor) have an additional set of properties.


This value is used to calculate the workflow progress from a jobs progress. 

Assumed progress of complete workflow when this activity starts (type: Double, default 0).


This value is used to calculate the workflow progress from a jobs progress. 

Assumed progress of complete workflow when this activity ends (type: Double, default 1).


An integer value between 1 and 100 specifying the priority of a job. By default, this value is taken from the workflows input argument Priority.

The lower the value the higher the priority.

CurrentWorkflowIdThe unique workflow id (in the workflow database).
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