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General configuration of SCE

The Subclip Editor can be configured to fit the needs of the organization, workstation or user.

Grant a User Rights

For a user to be able to open Subclip Editor and work in it, they require several Action Rights.

See more about Action Rights in SCE.

Basic Configurations

Add the following keys to |...|SubClipEditor| for a basic configuration.

PlayBeginningDurationPer default, the first 3 seconds of a subclip are played when the PlayBeginning shortcut is triggered (Home). Change this duration here.
PlayEndDurationPer default, the last 3 seconds of a subclip are played when the PlayEnd shortcut is triggered (End). Change this duration here.

Audio Prelistening Resolution

Audio prelistening in SubclipEditor is by default in low resolution. You can prelisten the audio in high resolution by creating or editing the |SubclipEditor|HiResPreListen parameter key and set its value to True.

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