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Introduction to Logs Configuration

Logs Configuration Page Overview

AreaDescriptionRelated Topics
Application MenuThe Application Menu can be used to navigate between the Content Manager, Subclip Editor, RoughCut Edit, Admin, and System Monitor, given that the user has sufficient rights. 
Top MenuThe Top Menu can be used to add, edit or delete components.
User MenuFrom the User Menu, the current user can sign out, change their password, and go to the Help section for information on feature and configuration know-how.
Admin MenuChange between different Admin sections. The current selection is Logs Configuration.

Main Area

Displays a list of all components.
Edit AreaAccessible via the Top Menu, the Edit Area displays all fields of a selected component, and allows editing them: Allowed Levels, Blocked Levels, Allowed Categories, and Blocked Categories. Clicking the Cancel button brings back to the Main Area.
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