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Waits until a file exists and/or does not grow anymore. Often needed in import or processing scenarios.



PathPath to monitored file
WaitForExistWait until file exists
AwaitedMinSizeIf greater than 0 wait for the file size specified (but not longer than 60 seconds)
TimeoutExistMaximum time span (in milliseconds) waiting for a file to be created
ThowIfNotExistsThrow an exception if file is not existing after TimeoutExist
WaitForNonGrowingWait until file is not growing anymore
TimeoutNonGrowingMaximum time span (in milliseconds) waiting for a file to not grow anymore
ThrowIfStillGrowingThrow an exception if file is still growing after TimeoutNonGrowing
PollingIntervalPolling interval for file monitoring (in milliseconds)
ReturnFileSizeReturn file size
IgnoreExceptionsIgnore exceptions when accessing file


ExistsOptional variable that reports if the file exists in the end (type: Boolean)
FileSizeOptional variable that reports the file size (if ReturnFileSize equals true, type: Int64)
GrowsOptional variable that reports if the file is still growing (type: Boolean)
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