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Admin.exe: Database Alignment and Table Alignment - What's that?

The Admin.exe offers you two different rights for the user accounts:

Databases: Align

DigaSystem-Tables: Align

Here is a short explanation for both rights (taken from ADMIN.PDF technical manual):

Database Align: This right is needed to synchronize the definition and ressort tables of a database (typically a local

one) with the definitions and ressorts of another database (typically a global one). This task is started

automatically during the connection process if the value "DefinitionSource" for the database is specified.

Hint: For such operation one database needs to be configured as DefinitionSource!

Table Align: A user needs this right if he works with changeable media. When he opens a table which represents

a drive, a temporary database table (e.g. on a local Access database) is synchronized with the database

entry files on the medium.

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