All parameters that are marked in red are part of the improvements that were released with the 2010.2 package and won't work with previous versions. All parameters that are marked in orange are part of the improvements that were released with the 2011.1.1 package and won't work with previous versions. AudioTemplates This logic is divided in two new areas: 1) The general definition of allowed Mediaformats and 2) The assignment of these formats inside the tables. In this example I will configure four allowed formats. The second format will be the default for all incoming media files.
1) General definition of allowedMediaformats The parameter "Alias" is evaluated within DBM. The dialogue which allows you to chose a specific format for the audio conversion will now display the "Alias" of a format if it has been defined.
2) Assignment of formats for a table
The parameter "Digas\Database\XXX\YYY\AudioTemplates\AutoConversionParameters" allows to define which parameters of any incoming audio file are evaluated. In our example the parameters are "Mode" (=Stereo, Mono, 5.1, etc) and "SamplingRate" (44100,48000,...). During the import of a file DBM will now check if any of the allowed formats (Format1 and Format2 in this case) matches either the "Mode" or the "Samplingrate" of the incoming file. If it matches only one, the file will automatically be converted to this format. If more than one format matches the criteria a dialogue appears and the user can choose one format manually. If the incoming file does not match any allowed format a dialogue containing all allowed formats appears (+ the default format if "AutoConversionUseDefault=True").
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