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Configuring TurboPlayer with GPIO to classic mixer consoles

Q: How can I use a classic mixer console together with TurboPlayer? There is no MotorFader available. The communication is based on GPIO.

A: To use GPIO a relay card like Advantech PCI-1760U is required. You need to install the PCLComServer from DAVID and register it. If you upgrade DigaROC to TurboPlayer please update the PCL software to the newest version before configuring TurboPlayer.

Afterwards you need to have the TIOGpio.dll on your computer.

Each Line of TurboPlayer needs to be configured:

Local Settings \ TurboPlayer \ Lines \ Line-X :
Mode = Passive (String)

(Repeat this for each line X from 1 to 8! Hint: If you started with the default configuration of TurboPlayer you need to manually assign the channels to the lines using our Admin tool because by using the default configuration all channels are assigned to Line-1.)

Jingles which are used on one fader should be combined on one line by having sub sections for each channel of the jingles.

Now the settings for GPIO can be created. This should be done inside TurboPlayer.
Open the settings dialog and go to IO-Modules.
If your GPIO module is already registered just click on it and press the 'Configure' button.

If your GPIO module is not registered yet you need to create a new module by pressing the 'New' button, select the TIOGpio.dll, enter a name and set the flag 'Active'. Afterwards you can configure it.

You need to create configurations for each situation: opening a fader and closing a fader. Because of the static information of the GPIOs there are only two states possible.

Open a fader:

1. Press the 'Add' button and select the Event type 'FaderMoved'
2. Enter an unique identifier, e.g. M1Open
3. Select a line, e.g. 1 for Line-1
4. Enter a level, e.g. 0
5. Select the GPIO contact, e.g. Bit 0 and Bitmask 0

Close a fader:

1. Press the 'Add' button and select the Event type 'FaderMoved'
2. Enter an unique identifier, e.g. M1Close
3. Select a line, e.g. 1 for Line-1
4. Enter a level, e.g. -99
5. Select the GPIO contact, e.g. Bit 0 and no Bitmask 0

After creating a configuration for each fader you need to save the settings. Afterwards please restart TurboPlayer to enable the new settings.

With these settings you have the possibility to disable the fader control by using the standard button in TurboPlayer: FaderStart On/Off.
In the mode 'Faderstart Off' it is possible to open faders without starting elements.

Please note that you always have to open a fader to start a element by keyboard or keypad, independent from the Faderstart mode.

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