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Defining a global unique identifier (running number)

In DigaSystem each item of a table has a unique reference number.

Additional there are database fields which can be filled automatically to create metadata with unique numbers like MUSICID or MOTIVE for e.g. music or commercials.

All of these unique values are based on tables.

In some special workflows it is necessary to have a global unique ID system which ensures that everything which is created at e.g. one local site has its own numbering system.

With the current version 3.3.x.x of DigaSQL.dll and DBM this is possible by defining the following global parameters:

Global Settings \ DigaSQL \ RunningNumber :

Column = Your database field, e.g. REGISTRATION for storing the numbers inside the field [REGISTRATION] File = \\server\share\runningnumber.cnt Header = This is a prefix which can describe your local site, e.g. BERLIN- Mode = Complete (does not overwrite existing metadata) Range = 0001-9999 (Describes the range of unique IDs

Unfortunately the description in DigParam.rtf is not good for reading it in Infopad. Therefore we are posting the content here:

- New entry Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: New RN

- Copy complete Metadata from Original; RN exists in Source Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: New RN

- Copy complete Metadata from Original; RN does not exist in Source Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: New RN

- Copy an entry within the same table Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: Old RN

- Copy an entry into a new table Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: Old RN

- Simulated Overwrite (replacing an existing entry) Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: New RN

- Move an entry between tables Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: Old RN

- Modify Metadata Mode REPLACE (default): Old RN Mode COMPLETE: Old RN

- Add text media file Mode REPLACE (default): Old RN Mode COMPLETE: Old RN

- Add any media file Mode REPLACE (default): Old RN Mode COMPLETE: Old RN

- Create entry through automated processes (e.g. DigAlign, Replication); target entry exists

Mode REPLACE (default): Old RN Mode COMPLETE: Old RN

- Create entry through automated processes (e.g. DigAlign, Replication); target entry does not exist; Source contains RN

Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: Old RN

- Create entry through automated processes (e.g. DigAlign, Replication); target entry does not exist; Source does not contain RN

Mode REPLACE (default): New RN Mode COMPLETE: New RN

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