DigaBurn: Valid printing template XSL elements?
Question: Which elements can I use to create a stylesheet for printing templates in DigaBurn?
Answer: With a little XSL knowledge you can modify our standard templates or create your own. DigaBurn basically evaluates a few elements (generated from the entry's database info) from the tracks. If you define your for-each path as titles/track, you can extract these elements;
@track is the position in DigaBurn, resulting in the track number on the burned CD.
@len is the time value in the duration column that is drawn from the SectionString information in the field "[LENGTH]".
.(period) is the name of the audio as listed in the SectionString field "[TITLE]" (assuming your XSLT Path is defined as "titles/title").
@artist - this value will be read from the SectionString "[PERFORMER]" if the database entry's class was 'Music', otherwise the value will be taken from the field "[AUTHOR]"
In addition it's possible to use the template generator's elements:
artist will be the text input in the preview window field 'CD-Artist'
album will be the text input in the preview window field 'CD-Title'
year is the date from your system time.
Basically, the XML code (if one were actually generated) would look like this;
<album>input of CD-Title in print preview window<album>
<artist>input of CD-Artist in print preview window (this is default the @artist of the last positioned title</artist>
<title track=position artist=SectionString[PERFORMER] len=SectionString[DURATION]>SectionString[TITLE]</title>
<year>system date as dd.mm.yyyy</year>