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DigaClipPlayer: Rights Object for DigaClipPlayer SD plus some parameters

To save the configuration of DigaClipPlayer during shutdwon a special Rights object is required.
Please add this Rights objects in DigAdmin at Objects \ Actions : DigaClipPlayer_Admin

Now you can grand the right to the users who should be able saving the changed configuration. A window will open during shutdown to save the changed parameters.
This rights object must also be present for using ADMIN account to change parameters inside the application.

The settings will be stored global, local or for the user account inside subkey DigaClipPlayer.
To enable the icon of DigaClipPlayer inside DBM you can enter this parameter:
Local Settings \ Programs \ DigaClipPlayer = %DigaSystemDir%\DigaClipPlayerV5.exe (Since introduction of the HD support this file is replaced by DigaClipPlayerV2.exe)

DigaClipPlayer SD must be configured to work with MultiRec_3.ocx. The DLL must be registered. There are two parameters which must point to the MainConcept codecs and the MOG SDK:
Local Settings \ DigaClipPlayer \ Settings : MultiRecMainConceptPath = C:\DigaSystem\MultiRec_3\MainConceptLib
Local Settings \ DigaClipPlayer \ Settings : MultiRecMOGSDKPath = C:\DigaSystem\MultiRec_3\MOG\SDK 

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