DigAlign + FtpDI.dll: Using FtpDI.ini to avoid DBE files
DigAlign is able to transfer material to a FTP server. There is a special DLL which can be used for a table alignment between e.g. a DigaSystem table and a FTP destination.
To install this feature you need to copy the FtpDI.dll into the DigaSystem folder. You can even place it somewhere else on the computer if needed.
Inside the table alignment settings you need to type the name of the DLL or the path + name into the field for the interface DLL which is normally filled by values from the dropdown list.
Example: c:\digasystem\ftpdi.dll
Now you need to enter the URL of the FTP server including user and password into the field for the init parameter. Additional you must specify a cache folder in this line!
Example: ftp://david:digas@<ftpserver>;C:\DigaSystem\DigAlignCache
The cache folder must exist before continuing.
Now you can press the Scan button to open the FTP connection. You will then see a list of all folders below the specified path inside the init parameter. You need to choose your desired folder for the destination.
If you want to rename the filenames to e.g. [TITLE] you need to go to the options page and check the option for field/pattern for filename =[TITLE]
You can even set a flag "Enforce FTP compatible filenames" there to write FTP compatible filenames. This will avoid e.g. spaces or special characters.
Additional you can have a configuration file to describe how the alignment should work. This is e.g. needed to avoid writing associated DBE/DBX files at FTP destination.
This configuration file is called FTPDI.ini and must be stored inside the folder which is specified inside the init parameter field to be the local cache folder.
Example of FTPDI.ini
The option NoDBEFiles=1 will avoid writing DBE files.
Details for this configuration file can be taken from the manual of FtpDI.dll