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DigaMOSControl: Preparation for DigaMOS usage

DigaMOS comes with two main features:

- database alignment
- rundown transfer

By default database alignment works with the change time inside the database. This works well but with this method it is impossible to detect hard deleted elements.
Therefore DigaMOS 3.5 comes with support for the history function of our database. You need to activate this feature as described here:

By enabling the history feature DigaMOS is now able seeing hard deleted elements and report this to the Newsroom System.
In case of using a BCS connection for the rundown transfer you need to have IBCS.dll on the same computer. This DLL must be registered with Regsvr32.exe
DigaMOS will be configured with DigaMOSSetup.exe. This tool creates the configuration and stores it in Local Settings \ DigaMOS. After saving you can start DigaMOS.exe
In DigaMOS Setup you need to specify the two communication ports for communication with the Newsroom System. Of course these ports must be allowed in the firewall. Additional the Newsroom System must be prepared to use these ports.

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