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DigaReplicator / ReplicatorClient: Adding another replicator as destination for AutoReplication

Q: We are building up a new site and we want to include this site in our replication network. We are using some tables in our main site which will be automatically replicated to all destinations. What will happen by adding the new replicator? Will it receive all elements which are already replicated?

A: By default there won't be a replication of elements which are already replicated to the former number of destinations. So only the new or updated elements will be transported to the existing and the added replicators.

To enforce replication of all elements their timestamps must be updated. Since version there is an option in DigaReplicator to reset these flags. You need to do the following steps:

1. Open the settings of DigaReplicator

2. Browse to the tab "AutoReplication"

3. Mark one table which has the green check for AutoReplication and press the "Edit..." button

4. Press the button "Update timestamps of all table entries ..."

5. Confirm with "Yes"

6. Close the settings dialog

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