DigaReplicator / ReplicatorClient: Running DigaReplicator as service
To install DigaReplicator as a Windows service the software tool AppToService is used.
After installing DigaReplicator or DigaReplicatorV and AppToService.exe inside the DigaSystem folder you need to install the Windows service by executing the following command:
C:\DigaSystem\AppToService.exe /install /account:".\Administrator" /password:"XXXXX" /arguments:"-ID:FFFF0001 -CRASHREBOOT -SERVICE" /interact:0 /timeout:70000 C:\DigaSystem\DigaReplV.exe
Hint: It is recommend finishing the configuration before installing the Windows service!
/install - Install the Windows service
/account:"Domain\User" - Enter the domain name or "." in case of a local user account (only for workgroups)
/password:"XXXXX" - The password of the Windows user
/arguments:"-ID:xxxxxxxx -CRASHREBOOT -SERVICE" - You need to enter the replicator ID which can be found in the headline of the application or in Windows Registry HKLM \ Software \ DAVID \ DigaReplicator \ xxxxxxxx
The options -CRASHREBOOT and -SERVICE are mandatory.
/interact:0 - Mandatory
/timeout:70000 - See DigaReplAsService-README.txt: This should be about 10 seconds longer than the DigaRepl parameter "RemoteMaint\FastShutdownTime". The default value for this is 60 seconds, and it's normally not necessary to change this. Therefore, a 70 sec. timeout for the service is recommended.
C:\DigaSystem\DigaReplV.exe - Path and name of executable
Afterwards you need to run services.msc to check if the service was installed. It will be named AppToService DigaReplV. Please change the startup to automatic.
Now you can start the service. Please note that the Windows account needs sufficient rights to access the parameter files, the ODBC source and the media directories.
If you want to configure a running service you can start the tool DigaReplVConfig.exe which gives you access to the running service.
To uninstall the service you need to run AppToService.exe /uninstall
For updating DigaReplV.exe you need to stop the service.
These instructions also work for DigaRepl.exe.