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DigaReplicator / ReplicatorClient: Setting the New flag for received items [NEW]1

Since version (DigaReplicator) and version (DigaReplicator Video) each item received by DigaReplicator gets a flag to signalize that it is a new element.

Therefore you need to have a database version 3. The technical name for this flag is called [NEW] and its value will be set to 1 by DigaReplicator.

This requires to update DigaSQL.dll to version

DBM will display this flag in the main grid and inside the element on the 'News' tab.
DBM is required to display this flag.

There are two parameters to configure the layout:

Global (or local) settings \ DBM:

- NameOfNewFlag
- FlagPos

To remove the 'New' flag from the grid you need to have the parameter FlagPos without the value 'E', e.g. RDIAWVLY instead of ERDIAWVLY. Adding the letter 'E' will display a special icon in the flags column to signalize received items.

To remove the 'New' flag from the 'News' tab you need to set the parameter NameOfNewFlag to an empty value. To change the name of the flag you can enter the new name as value.

The user is not allowed to set or remove this flag by his own. Database Manager will reset the flag if the user closes the element by pressing the OK button.

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