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DigaTransfer: Activation of naming rules in DigaTransfer 4

Q: We created a target profile for DigaTransfer Client for importing files from filesystem. We tried to add a naming rule but the output is done using the variables as filename.
For example: @File()@Path.Name()_@Guid().mxf

How can we enable the rules to work?
A: It is necessary to do a change inside the options dialog of DigaTransfer Client. You need to active the checkbox for "Use extended syntax for naming rules".

Afterwards you should be able seeing a dropdown box when you perform a double click on the configured naming rule of e.g. FileDrop.
You can test the output. The Result window should now give a real filename instead of using variables.

For example: @GUID().wav should result in d4bc2429-6634-4f32-9db2-ad6d63f967a7.wav

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