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DigErase-DigAlign-WebAlign: Deleting LoRes files of some database entries to recreate

Q: We have some trouble with just a few low resolution files created by WebAlign. We would like to render them again. How can we achieve this?

A: WebAlign creates a flag for processed elements. Additional it checks for existing entry inside the medium list. Therefore two steps are necessary.

First of all please check the name of the database field which is used inside the WebAlign table alignment. Check options from tab "Tables" and look at "Data field for internal marker". Remember it. It should look like 'DigAlign/TA_Music'.

1. Open DBM with ADMIN account and search for the element you want to reset. Open it and go to the Medium tab. Delete the LoRes entry. This will automatically delete the entry in [FILENAME2]

2. Open your SQL administration tool, e.g. Management Studio. Search for your database. You need to open the table *_V where * is the base name of your table. Search for the reference number of the corresponding database entry and delete the line where FIELDNAME is set to the string seen in WebAlign.

Hint: It's not enough setting the value of the line to '0'. You really need to delete the whole line!

Afterwards you need to restart WebAlign. Now by performing a run the deleted files should be recreated.

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