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DigErase-DigAlign-WebAlign: Error 14001 during configuring DigAlign to use a DAI DLL

Q: After opening the configuration dialog of DigAlign I entered path and name of a DLL inside the "test" section. Afterwards I pressed the "Configure DLL" button but I received an error message:

The DLL could not be loaded. The application could not be started because the application data is not correct. Please install the application again.

There is the same error if I try to exit the configuration dialog by pressing OK.

I'm running Windows XP Professional with installed Service Pack 2.

A: We analzed that problem and found out that there are DLLs missing on this computer. Please download and install the redistributable package for Visual C++ 2005 (Service Pack 1) from Microsoft:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

The German version is available here:

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