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DigErase-DigAlign-WebAlign: Reset a database field in source table after alignment

Q: We want to create a table alignment between two DigaSystem tables. After success we want to modify the metadata of the source elements. Is that possible?

A: Yes. DigAlign comes with two features to modify the source after a successful alignment:

- Set flags in source entry after successful operation
- After success, convert source data with DLL

The first option can be used to set or reset a flag like PERFECT. You just need to type the name of this flag. It will be set to 1.

The second option can be used if you want to modify or remove a value of a section. The best way using it is DAIRemapper.dll

As DigAlign comes with 3 different alignment modes the config file of DAIRemapper.dll must be adjusted to used the correct alignment mode.

0: alignment A->B
1: alignment B->A
2: change of source data

Inside the config file you need to specify XML tags for the requested alignment mode:

0: <dir0>
1: <dir1>
2: <dir>

So 0 and 1 are normally used in an unidirectional or bidirectional alignment workflow. 2 is used to update metadata of the source. For 2 it is necessary to really change the content of the field and not trying to remove a section.

Example 1: Removing all values in field DISTRIBUTION


<?xml   version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  < digalign>
     <to format="{}">DISTRIBUTION</to>
  < /digalign>

Example 2: Setting a section to a defined value, e.g. AUTHOR


<?xml   version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  < digalign>
     <to format="empty">AUTHOR</to>
  < /digalign>

Example 3: Combination of 1 and 2


<?xml   version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  < digalign>
     <to format="{}">DISTRIBUTION</to>
     <to format="empty">AUTHOR</to>
  < /digalign>

Example 4: Removing a flag, e.g. Perfect flag from source


<?xml   version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  < digalign>
     <to format="0">PERFECT</to>
  < /digalign>

For using the DAIRemapper.dll inside DigAlign you need to go to the settings of DigAlign and select the tab Options.

Then you need to decide if you want to update the metadata at source or destination. Both is possible. For changing the metadata at destination you need to check the flag "Conversion of SectionString with DLL". For changing the metadata at source you need to check the flag "After success, convert source data with DLL".

In both cases you need to add full path and filename of DAIRemapper.dll. The second field is used for pointing to the *.config file which also requires the full path.

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