Q: We want to create a table alignment between two DigaSystem tables. The elements of the target table should be equipped with additional flags. Is that possible?
A: Yes. DigAlign comes with a feature to convert metadata during alignment. This will be done by e.g. DAIRemapper.dll
To activate the feature you need to go to options of the table alignment and check the following option:
- Conversion of SectionString with DLL:
Here you need to enter path and filename of DAIRemapper.dll, e.g. C:\DigaSystem\DAIRemapper.dll
Below there is a field named Configuration. Here you need to specify a configuration file, e.g. C:\DigaSystem\DAIRemapper_SetFlagInTarget.config
As DigAlign comes with 3 different alignment modes the config file of DAIRemapper.dll must be adjusted to used the correct alignment mode.
0: alignment A->B
1: alignment B->A
2: change of source data
Inside the config file you need to specify XML tags for the requested alignment mode:
0: <dir0>
1: <dir1>
2: <dir>
So 0 and 1 are normally used in an unidirectional or bidirectional alignment workflow. 2 is used to update metadata of the source. For 2 it is necessary to really change the content of the field and not trying to remove a section.
In our case we are doing an alignment from A to B. So we need to use dir0.
Example 1: Setting the PERFECT flag
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> < digalign> <dir0> <mapping> <from>PERFECT</from> <to format="1">PERFECT</to> </mapping> </dir0> < /digalign> |
Example 2: Setting the PERFECT flag and the READY flag
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> < digalign> <dir0> <mapping> <from>PERFECT</from> <to format="1">PERFECT</to> </mapping> <mapping> <from>READY</from> <to format="1">READY</to> </mapping> </dir0> < /digalign> |
It is also possible to combine this workflow with the feature deleting flags from source described here:
In such case you need to specify the DAIRemapper.dll twice inside the options of DigAlign. Please note that you will need two different *.config files for combined usage.