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How to integrate the audio editors in DigAIRange

Q: How can I get DigAIRange as target if I press the save button in the audio editors?

A: You need to have DDESettings in your global parameters configured:

Global Settings \ DDESettings \ DigAIRange:

Communication_Type = DDE (String)
DDE_Name = Digairange (String)

Afterwards you can send items from DigAIRange to the editors which allows you to save it back to DigAIRange by pressing the SAVE button inside the editor. The following options are available for saving:

- Saving to the clipboard
- Saving to the preproduction of the show of the original take
- Saving to the preproduction of the day of the original take
- Replacing the original take

DigAIRange always shows the icons of the audio editors which are activated through the \Programs section.

Additional a user right is used to enable the audio editors. Users who need to call the editors from DigAIRange would need the following right:

Actions \ DigAIRangeAudioEdit

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