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In TurboPlayer how is it possible to assign a specific Jingle to a specific Channel?

There are two different possibilities:

1) With this parameter you can use the "list position" of a jingle:
ListPosition: (Par_string) Here you can define a "list position-channel" assignment.

e.g.. \TurboPlayer\Lines\Line-4\Channel-4\ListPosition=1-5


For more information, see the chapter on channels in the TurboPlayer technical manual (page 26).

2) You can give this jingle a "special" class and use this parameter:
Class: (Par_string) Here you can define a "class-channel" assignment. TurboPlayers.

e.g. \TurboPlayer\Lines\Line-4\Channel-4\Class=Promotion


For more information, see the chapter on channels in the TurboPlayer technical manual (page 26).

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