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Installing the BroadcastServer as a Windows service

Note: BCS.exe (Broadcast Server) is not the same as BCSservice.exe (used with WebDigAIRange).

To instal the BroadcastServer as a Windows service, please follow these steps:

  • Install and configure the BroadcastServer (BCS.exe)
  • Start a command line prompt as Administrator
  • Navigate to the Digas directory
    • e.g. "cd C:\Program Files (x86)\DigaSystem"
  • Run the following command: bcs.exe -i
  • Run services.msc
  • Start the BroadcastServer service

Once the service is installed and running, use BCSGUI.exe to access and configure your BCS instance. BCSGUI looks mostly like the BCS running in application mode.

For more details on the configuration and differences between the application- and Windows service mode, refer to chapter "6.5 Remote GUI" in the BCSTechManual.

Note: BCSGUI is intended to be used on the same computer on which the BCS is running as a Windows service.

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