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Keeping metadata during replacement in DigAIRange

Q: It is possible to replace an element in DigAIRange by Drag&Drop of a new element holding the Alt key. Now we want to keep some special metadata of the original element which should be replaced. In our workflow there is an element in DigAIRange which will get an external MixerSource. This mixier source should be kept after replacing the element with an element from Database Manager. Is it possible?


A: Yes. Restrictions for replacing elements are not handled in DigAIRange but in an external DLL. You have to install this DLL to your computers and to set some parameters:


Name of DLL: DASTDREPL.dll

This DLL should be placed inside the DigaSystem folder.


Global Settings \ DigAIRange:


ReplaceModule = DASTDREPL.dll


Global Settings \ Digas \ PlanServer \ <BCS Name> \ <Program Name> \ DigAIRange:


KeepTagsInReplacement = Source,MixerSource


With this configuration you can add a mixer source to your element inside the schedule and replace the element with a new one. The added mixer source won't be deleted because both tags Source and MixerSource are kept now.


Of course you need to configure all your mixer sources properly using the key Global Settings \ TurboPlayer \ MixerSources

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