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Meaning of rights objects for BCS

Q: Which right objects exists for BCS?

A: Here is a list of all rights objects. These are generated by DigAIRange automatically.

Objects \ Showplan:

General access to a program:

<Program name>

Rights for different classes plus German expression:

<Program name>\Audio
< Program name>\Cart (Jingle)
< Program name>\Command (Steuerungselement)
< Program name>\Commercial (Werbung)
< Program name>\Control (Regieanweisung)
< Program name>\Graphic (Grafikelemente)
< Program name>\Info (Info)
< Program name>\Magazine (Magazin)
< Program name>\Music (Musik)
< Program name>\News (Aktualität)
< Program name>\Project (Projekt)
< Program name>\Promotion (Promotion)
< Program name>\Story (Story)
< Program name>\Text (Text)
< Program name>\Video (Video)

Additional classes handled independent from Database Manager:

<Program name>\Info (Info)
< Program name>\Line (Zuspielung)
< Program name>\Live (Live)

Access rights for sub nodes:

<Program name>\Jingles = Jingle banks
< Program name>\Pools = Show pools
< Program name>\PreProductions
< Program name>\ProtocolTracks
< Program name>\ScheduleTracks (since BCS
< Program name>\SnapshotTracks

Access rights for the general pools:

<Virtual BCS name>\GeneralPools

Access rights for the global jingles (since BCS

<Virtual BCS name>\GlobalJingles

To display the node for show templates and day templates the user needs to have the manage right of the show.

Please note that enabling the manage rights and the OnAir rights for the show will disable the subrights.

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