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Mixtreme Downmix for Automatic Mode (TurboPlayer, DigaROC)

Question: Can I create a downmix of all onair channels for DigaRoc's/TurboPlayer's automatic mode?

Answer: Depending on your audio card in use and io resources this may be a simple task.

If you are using a Soundscape Mixtreme, Madixtreme or Mixpander, and fulfil the following requirements, you should be ready to go:

- at least 2 (stereo) free output channels
- sufficient DSP processing capabilities (usually no problem)

If you "only" want one "Automatic Sum", 2 free output channels
are sufficient. If you want to separate Master and Jingle and
therefore have 2 "Automatic Sums" (one for the master channel
and one for the jingle channel), then you need the corresponding
4 free channels.

Let's assume that you are using a Mixtreme and your Setup looks like this:
Master 1 --> TDIF 1-2
Master 2 --> TDIF 3-4
Master 3 --> TDIF 5-6
Jingle 1 --> TDIF 7-8
Jingle 2 --> TDIF 7-8
Jingle 3 --> TDIF 7-8
Prelisten --> TDIF 9-10

One then has 7 columns in the Mixtreme Mixer:
1st column (M1): Input (above) STR 1-2, Output (below) TDIF 1-2
2nd column (M2): Input (above) STR 3-4, Output (below) TDIF 3-4
3rd column (M3): Input (above) STR 5-6, Output (below) TDIF 5-6
4th column (J1): Input (above) STR 7-8, Output (below) TDIF 7-8
5th column (J2): Input (above) STR 9-10, Output (below) TDIF 7-8
6th column (J3): Input (above) STR 11-12, Output (below) TDIF 7-8
7th column (Pre): Input (above) STR 13-14, Output (below) TDIF 9-10

Now TDIF 11/12, 13/14 and 15/16 should actually be free.

Let's further assume that you'd like "only" one "Automatic Sum".
In that case the mixer should look like this:
1st to 7th column as before
8th column (M1): Input (above) STR 1-2, Output (below) TDIF 11-12
9th column (M2): Input (above) STR 3-4, Output (below) TDIF 11-12
10th column (M3): Input (above) STR 5-6, Output (below) TDIF 11-12
11th column (J1): Input (above) STR 7-8, Output (below) TDIF 11-12
12th column (J2): Input (above) STR 9-10, Output (below) TDIF 11-12
13th column (J3): Input (above) STR 11-12, Output (below) TDIF 11-12

Now you have the complete sum (except for the Preslisten) on the TDIF outputs 11-12.

You can now configure DigaRoc/TurboPlayer to set/reset a dedicated IO bit
when entering/leaving automatic mode. With this bit you can switch your mixing
console to either choose the audio bus that carries the "normal" input channels
with their dedicated faders (Master 1, Master 2,... Jingle 1, Jingle 2,...) in
live assist mode or the audio bus that carries the generated down-mix for
automatic mode.


Frage: Wie richte ich ein DownMix ein für TurboPlayer oder DigaROC's AutomatikModus?

Antwort: Das ist überhaupt kein Problem, man benötigt nur ein paar Voraussetzungen:

- mindestens 2 (stereo) freie TDIF-Ausgangs-Kanäle
- genügend DSP-Rechenleistung (normalerweise kein Problem)

Wenn man "nur" eine "Automatik-Summe" haben möchte, reichen 2 freie
TDIF-Kanäle, wenn man Master und Jingle trennen will und deshalb
2 "Automatik-Summen" (eine für die Masterkanäle, eine für die
Jinglekanäle) haben will, dann braucht man entsprechend 4 freie

Nehmen wir mal an, das Setup sieht folgendermaßen aus:
Master 1 --> TDIF 1-2
Master 2 --> TDIF 3-4
Master 3 --> TDIF 5-6
Jingle 1 --> TDIF 7-8
Jingle 2 --> TDIF 7-8
Jingle 3 --> TDIF 7-8
Prelisten --> TDIF 9-10

Man hat also 7 Spalten im Mixtreme Mixer:
1. Spalte (M1): Input (oben) STR 1-2, Output (unten) TDIF 1-2
2. Spalte (M2): Input (obe


My Relay Card doesn´t work! (Novell Network)

This is a Microsoft Bug (Knowledge Base Q228487) inside the OLE Libraries 4.0.
This happens, if


  • the COM Server is running      under the "Interactive User" Account and
  • "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon      Shell" contains more than one executable entry

If you have Windows 2000, it is also possible that the "Certificate Authority Serive" doesn´t start.

How to correct this?


  • Install the "Client for      Microsoft Networks" or
  • Start the PclComServer      with the Option" User, which starts the application".

This can be configured with the Tool "dcomcnfg.exe"

This file is located in your "\system32" - Folder or downloadable at "


PREH pad dies when making screenshot..?

When taking a screenshot using the keyboard shortcut 'ALT + Print', some users have experienced a PREH controller crash and blinking lights on their QWERTY keyboards!

PREH support informed us that exactly this key combination is the switch for setting the PREH keyboard to the 'Online Programming' mode.
This mode can be deactivated;


  • Start the WinProgrammer      (PREH programming application for Windows)
  • In the menu      'Settings/General Keyboard Settings' there should be a switch for 'Hotkey      for Online Programming". This flag should be removed when setting up      a PREH keyboard.

DigASystem PREH keyboards will now be delivered with this flag removed so that making screenshots will have no effect on your PREH pad.

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