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Moving 0dB reference line lower in OTM

  • It can be done with a custom xaml file. Change the TrackMarginTop constant in the xaml file to a value bigger than the current value of 10 pixels (e.g. 40).

  • Configure the xaml file in the “OnAIR TrackMixer Settings” in TurboPlayer including the physical path to the file.
  • If the file has a syntax error it is not loaded and the default file is used. (If you send us the changed file and the version of OTM, we can check that)
  • One can only specify the distance between the fade-line and the top of the track in virtual pixel. Percent values are not supported. This value is used in all track modes.
  • Restart TurboPlayer after a change.
  • In the following screenshot the value of TrackMarginTop is 50

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