MultiPlayer v3 is designed to work with both audio and video cards. For playing video files MultiPlayer v3 is able to allocate lots of physical memory.
Therefore it makes sense installing MultiPlayer v3 on a 64 Bit Windows XP operating system which can work with e.g. 24 GB of RAM (or more).
During the setup of MultiPlayer you need to assign the video channels. Because video files are much bigger than audio files the slots for video needs more RAM allocation.
Unfortunately normal applications cannot lock big parts of RAM by default.
Therefore you need to open your Local Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment and add the current Windows user to the Policy named Lock pages in memory.
After changing this policy MultiPlayer AV can be launched without a problem.
German: Bitte öffnen Sie in der Verwaltung die Lokalen Sicherheitseinstellungen und wählen Sie dort unterhalb von Lokale Richtlinien > Zuweisen von Benutzerrechten die Richtlinie Sperren von Seiten im Speicher. Fügen Sie dort den verwendeten Windows Benutzeraccount wie z.B. Administrator hinzu. Erst danach kann MultiPlayer AV gestartet werden.
Please note that the settings of MultiPlayer v3 are stored at the following sub key of the Windows Registry if installed on a 64 bit operating system:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Ingenieurbüro Holzinger \ MultiPlayer V3