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MultiRec: How to enable MultiRec logging?

Firstly, the application which uses the MultiRec has to support this feature.

In this example I will explain how to enable the MultiRec logging for DBM:

Open the DigaSystem Administrator and go to Section "\Local Settings\DBM\MultiRec" and create a new String - Parameter "Logging".

Possible values are [DIRECTORY]..., [FILENAME]..., [TYPE]..., [DELETEOLD]... and [DELETEDAYS].... (always use UPPER CASE for these parameter names!)

  • [DIRECTORY]: The folder in which the logfile will be stored (e.g. C:\Digas\Log).
  • [FILENAME]: A name for that file (e.g. MultiRec) - the file extension will be added automatically.
  • [TYPE]: Decides, which action should be logged. Possible Strings are
    GLOBAL (Global messages, e.g. initialisation, loading of the control etc.).
    EVENTS (all messages and commands that a main application receives from the MultiRec).
    METHODS (all function calls that the MultiRec receives from the main application).
    FILEACCESS (Filesystem accesses).
    DEBUG (Debug messages - use only if you expect Errors).
    ALL (activates all of them).
    It is also possible to combine these parameters. If needed, seperate them with a pipe "|"
  • [DELETEOLD]: Can be TRUE or FALSE. Decides if a new file will be created or a available one will be overwritten.
  • [DELETEDAYS]: Delete old logfiles after n Days. (e.g. 30).

Example for this Parameter:

Global (Local) Settings
|- DBM
    |- MultiRec

If you need to activate the MultiRec Logging for MultiCoder This must be done in the windows registry;


Registry Parameter:

Basically the elements of the string can be defined the same as in Digas Admin.
Please be sure to adjust for the appropriate DeviceID number that you wish to log!

Also; Make sure to use UPPER CASE for all the parameters in the string as seem above, otherwise the logging will not work - the activation of the MultiRec logging is in fact CASE SENSITIVE!

You can also use this Parameter to enable MultiRec Logging for DigAIRange:

Open the DigaSystem Administrator and go to Section "\Local Settings\DigAIRange\MultiRec" and create a new String - Parameter "Logging".

Possible values are [DIRECTORY]..., [FILENAME]..., [TYPE]..., [DELETEOLD]... and [DELETEDAYS]....

  • [DIRECTORY]: The folder in which the logfile will be stored (e.g. C:\Digas\Log).
  • [FILENAME]: A name for that file (e.g. MultiRec) - the file extension will be added automatically.
  • [TYPE]: Decides, which action should be logged. Possible Strings are
    GLOBAL (Global messages, e.g. initialisation, loading of the control etc.).
    EVENTS (all messages and commands that a main application receives from the MultiRec).
    METHODS (all function calls that the MultiRec receives from the main application).
    FILEACCESS (Filesystem accesses).
    DEBUG (Debug messages - use only if you expect Errors).
    ALL (activates all of them).
    It is also possible to combine these parameters. If needed, seperate them with a pipe "|"
  • [DELETEOLD]: Can be TRUE or FALSE. Decides if a new file will be created or a available one will be overwritten.
  • [DELETEDAYS]: Delete old logfiles after n Days. (e.g. 30).

Example for this Parameter:

Global (Local) Settings
|- DigAIRange
    |- MultiRec

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