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TurboPlayer/MultiPlayer: Filenames and MediaDirectories Parameter

In BCS system there is not only one file/filename for the audio of an element, there are some to many (1...n), to have copies available for the playout if one of the file sources fails. the sources for these files/copies are being set in the MediaDirectories section of DigAIRange.

How many directories (for file copies) you need is not answered generally, but as a guiding principle you shall have as many as necessary, but as little as possible. Less is more in this case. And it doesn't make sense, if you have defined many directories as sources for the file copies, but most of them are not available/accessible. It is also not recommended to set the local Harddisk of other TurboPlayers as a source for all other TurboPlayers.

There is a logic behind the filename creation and how TurboPlayer sends this information to the MultiPlayer, this can be influenced by some Parameters:


In this key you can list all media directories which should be ignored by TurboPlayer. The names of the parameters do not matter. The value of each parameter must be the start string of a media path. If at least one value is given, each filename of an element is string-compared with all listed values. If a filename contains a path listed here, it is ignored. If the key is empty, all filenames are used. The key "MediaDirectoriesToUse" is preferred.


In this key you can list directories which are preferred - so far only when selecting a filename for GUI prelisten. The GUI will first look for a file in the preferred directories. If a file cannot be found there, all specified filenames are tried out. Typically you can enter the "local" directories here to avoid that a filename on a server is picked from the GUI. The names of the parameters should be "Dir1", "Dir2",...


In this key you can list additional media directories for elements. This is used with database directories which are mirrored (e.g. with DigAlign). Though the metadata of a database element specifies only a single filename, additional filenames can be added on the fly. This can increase playout safety. The names of the parameters should be "Dir1", "Dir2",... Each value has the format: "Specified DB path|supplemental path". Example: "\\Fileserver\DB\Sound1|\\Backup\DB\Sound1". TurboPlayer performs a pure text search-and-replace when generating supplemental filenames. The first part of the value is searched, the second one replaces the found string. (You can test the correctness of a value by entering some DB filenames in a text editor and call the search-and-replace function to see if all generated filenames are valid.) Attention: only specify directories which are accessible normally and which contain all the files. It is not a good idea, e.g., to specify a directory which is rarely online.


In this key you can list all media directories which should be used by TurboPlayer. The names of the parameters do not matter. The value of each parameter must be the start string of a media path. If at least one value is given, each filename of an element is string-compared with all listed values. If a filename contains a path which is not listed here, it will be ignored. If the key is empty, all filenames are used.

This is the logic TurboPlayer uses regarding the named parameters:

-          For all Filenames 1…n TP looks whether the filename should be used according to the parameters in MediaDirectoriesToUse/MediaDirectoriesToIgnore.

-          The Filename0 is only used if the file was not converted (flag File_Converted is not set) or if Filename0 is the only one which can be used.

-          Additional filenames might be generated from existing ones with the parameter MediaDirectoriesToSupplement.

-          This gives the list of filenames which are then sent to MultiPlayer. MP will try to open all of them simultaneously.

-          If the list is empty, nothing is sent to MP and instead the message below is printed to the log.

"Error (161): Element does not specify any filename which can be used (probably due to directory restrictions)" 

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