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Using multiple MultiPlayer channels on PCX card

MultiPlayer is able to run with a PCX card in case the Wave drivers were installed during the np setup.

Please note: Using Digigram cards for playout is not recommend by DAVID Systems but in some special setups it is required.
There are Digigram cards with a single physical output channel, for example PCX22v2.

If you need to create multiple MultiPlayer channels and assign them all to the Wave driver offered by Digigram you need to prepare the card before installing MultiPlayer.
Inside the Windows Control Panel you will find the Digigram Drivers control panel. Open it and select the tab called Wave NP.

Inside the section Wave NP Configuration For Second Board Group you will find several options.
By default the number of streams is set to 1 and the option for opening a device more than one time is disabled. You need to modify these settings:
- Number of streams mixed on a physical output: 4 - Enable multiple open of same devices

Please note: There could be a problem if you set the number to high. In our tests 4 worked fine but 8 failed completely.
After saving the settings you need to restart the computer.

Now you can install the MultiPlayer and select the number of channels and point all of them to the Wave driver of the Digigram card.
Hint: If you are working with more than one physical card the settings will work for all cards.

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