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Our new release is out now and we have been focused on enabling smarter production and tailored distribution capabilities so that you can scale up on audience reach.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Imagine making audio easier for your text-centric content creators while accelerating text production for your audio producers. Both are now possible with our Contextual Audio Editing v1 (CAE).

  • Standardizing your backend administration with cross-platform support and flexible hosting choices is our focus with DPE Nano services. Let’s align on simpler deployment and seamless scaling of DAVID Services throughout your organization.

  • Produce broadcast voiceovers from anywhere with only a browser (and a decent microphone). Voiceover in WebDigAIRange is here.

  • And speaking of broadcasts - our recording service, ROAD, now streams and plays directly from your BCS playlists.

Free access to SDKs on Developer Hub

  • we have made changes to how you interact with our SDKs

  • Read more about it here

For further information on these updates and their technical specifications, please reach out to our support or sales representatives.

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