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Configuration Parameters of ROAD Service

You can manually edit RoadService.exe.config and change parameters as needed (also the ones which were set by the prior ROAD setup). Note that you have to restart the ROAD Service to set changes parameters in effect.

Purging Log Files

As log files' amount tends to become excessive by time, an automatic purging of them is done by the ROAD Service periodically.

Purging either means to shift them to an archive folder or to delete them.

When purging is running, it verifies the count and age of all log files. All files are purged which are older than the PurgeByDays parameter defines and as long as the total amount is more than the PurgeByNumber parameter defines.

See Logging for more details about logging and purging log files.

List of All Parameters

All described parameters are part of RoadService.exe.config, which is located in the ROAD Service installation directory.

ParameterDefault ValueDescription


(7 days)

Delay after the last client using an applicationId closed or unsubscribed from ClientSync notifications to clear the notifications cache.

This value can be overridden for specific applicationIds by the clientSync API, see api/clientSync


Timeout in milliseconds for Worker processes to be terminated after Service startup.

While the Service is not running, Workers should terminate by themselves. If they are still running at next Service startup time, they will be terminated after this time.

DBConnectionmongodb://vm-d-32-mongoConnection URI to the MongoDB service to be used for database.
DBConnectionTimeout5000Timeout for initial database connection (in milliseconds).
DBNameROADName of the database in the used MongoDB instance. All ROAD data will be placed inside of it.


(since v1.2.392.0)

Publicly accessible network name of the host machine (like

If left empty, this defaults to the local network name of the machine, so it will likely only be accessible from inside the LAN/domain.

FinishWorkersTimeout5000Timeout applied when Service shutdown initiates finishing all running jobs and workers (in milliseconds). After this time the service stops and won't receive their jobs' status updates.

Optional alias for the service's host name used where references to a host are stored (used as name in the HostInfo data structure, see paragraph "Hosts Data" in api/hosts).

If left empty, this defaults to the local network name of the machine..




REST service URL's base address

Deprecated since v1.2.392.0! Use RestAddress instead.




REST service URL's base address for https

Deprecated since v1.2.392.0! Use RestAddress instead.



(12 hours)

Time interval to run purging of Service and Workers' log files (in seconds).

The actual purging is defined by parameters ServiceLogFilesPurge... and  WorkerLogFiles...

NonVolatileCheck_TransitionsCheckCount20Minimum amount of transitions in a job to consider doing the non-volatile transitions check
NonVolatileCheck_TransitionsCheckTimeMs1500Non-volatile transitions check: Length of check time period in ms
NonVolatileCheck_TransitionsMin50Non-volatile transitions check: If this amount of transitions was reached within the check time period, a warning is generated.
QueryLimitDefault100Default value for all GET requests' limit parameter

(1 minute)

Interval of updating the hosts list from database. This is the maximum delay to recognize changes on other hosts.

Other hosts are considered for relaying or broadcasting subscriptions inside the cluster.


(since v1.2.392.0)

REST connection address with port, using a "+" placeholder for the host itself.

Can either be a secure (https) or insecure (http) address. Mind this and parameter SocketAddress must both be either secure or insecure.

Example: https://+:11005/

RunWorkerInAdvanceTrueIf set, one Worker process is being started in advance to be faster when the next job is coming.
ScheduleRunnerMinFreeTime5000Time period to grant for worker creation and its initialization (in milliseconds) plus the minimal duration left for the job. This time must be there before the planned end of a job - otherwise it won't be launched any more. (Applied value is min. 1000 ms.)

Time period to run the pending schedules' query cyclic (in seconds). (Applied value is min. 10 s.)

Scheduled jobs which are pending within this period in future are being created in advance and wait in prepared state until they should start.

Higher values reduce the workload, lower values reduce the time while Workers are running in a waiting state.


Maximum time expected to be spent for each pending schedules' query.

If this time is too low, a schedule may be triggered late.


Archive folder to shift older Service's log files to.

If this parameter is empty, older log files are deleted.

ServiceLogFilesPurgeByDays7Minimum age of Service's log files to be purged. See below under Purging Log Files
ServiceLogFilesPurgeByNumber100Minimum amount of Service's log files to purge the oldest ones. See below under Purging Log Files
ServiceLoggingPathC:\ProgramData\ROAD\Logging\ServiceFile path to place the Service's log files

Minimal severity for log messages to appear in the Service's log file

Possible values in sequence of rising severity (use either the abbreviation character or the full name, case-insensitive): d=debug, i=info, s=success, w=warning, e=error, v=severe, f=fatal

ServiceLogRotationSize10000000After exceeding this file size (in bytes), the log file is being finished and a new file is created continuing logging. A note is added to the end of the prior and to the start of the next file.


(since v1.2.392.0)

Web socket connection address with port, using a "" placeholder for the host itself.

Can either be a secure (wss) or insecure (ws) address. Mind this and parameter RestAddress must both be either secure or insecure.

Example: wss://


(1 hour)

Interval of updating the own host information in the database periodically, so other hosts and clients can assume if a Service is currently running (minimum is 1 minute).

This cycle time is included in the host information.


Archive folder to shift older Workers' log files to.

If this parameter is empty, older log files are deleted.

WorkerLogFilesPurgeByDays7Minimum age of Workers' log files to be purged. See below under Purging Log Files
WorkerLogFilesPurgeByNumber100Minimum amount of Workers' log files to purge the oldest ones. See below under Purging Log Files
WorkerLoggingPathC:\ProgramData\ROAD\Logging\WorkerFile path to place the Workers' log files

Minimal severity for log messages to appear in the Worker's log file

Possible values in sequence of rising severity (use either the abbreviation character or the full name, case-insensitive): d=debug, i=info, s=success, w=warning, e=error, v=severe, f=fatal

WorkerLogRotationSize10000000After exceeding this file size (in bytes), the log file is being finished and a new file is created continuing logging. A note is added to the end of the prior and to the start of the next file.
Path to the file system folder where RoadWorker.exe is referenced (empty for the same folder as RoadService.exe runs from)




Web socket connection address with port.

Deprecated since v1.2.392.0! Use SocketAddress instead.




Secure web socket connection address with port. If this parameter is missing, wss support is switched off.

Note you have to configure a certificate for wss, see parameter WssCertificateFilePath.

Deprecated since v1.2.392.0! Use SocketAddress instead.

Complete file path to a .pfx file, which is a valid certificate used for securing the wss (secure web socket) connections
Password for the above certificate file
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